Dentists Measure Halitosis

Many patients feel paranoid about bad breath for no reason—a quick visit to a dentist’s office will give patients a sound reading on the level of odor-causing chemicals in their mouth. Call a local family or cosmetic dentist to inquire before making an appointment—not all offices have this equipment. This is done with a device called a Halimeter. Patients blow into the device using a straw-like attachment, and it measures the level of volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) in the mouth.

Any patients who are concerned about bad breath should request to be tested to alleviate doubt or stress. Should the results show elevated levels of odor causing bacteria, patients can take many steps to reduce or eliminate the problem. They should begin by avoiding food and drinks with caffeine, dense proteins like meat and cheese, and the notorious no-no’s like garlic and onions. (Because some of these substances also stain teeth, local patients who are treated for odorous breath might want to consider Toronto teeth whitening as an added bonus!) In addition, patients should brush the teeth and tongue twice a day, use minty mouthwashes, and, if the problem warrants, use internal breath fresheners in the form of pills.

Patients in Toronto, Canada can request an appointment with Toronto dentist Dr. Andrew Charkiw or his partner Dr. Armaghan Afsar—their office has the necessary equipment to provide testing, plus experience with many local patients in helping patients overcome odorous breath. These are dentists Toronto residents have trusted for years.