I Had a Pessary Due to a Cystocele

After my third child was born I ended up with a cystocele and had problems moving my bowels. My uterine wall was so weak it fell back and was interfering with my rectum. My doctor inserted a pessary to hold my uterus in place until something more permanent could be done. It was not unpleasant, but did get uncomfortable during sex and especially if I climaxed. I began to bug my doctor about having surgery done as soon as possible.

After a few months, it was decided that if I were to have labiaplasty Chicago was the best place for me to have it done.  My doctor felt that the extent of the cystocele was enough to have a specialist in reconstructive surgery perform the procedure.  Since we live only fifteen minutes from the Windy City I saw no reason to object. My husband and I went and spent the night before surgery in a hotel; it was very nice. He was concerned that afterwards I would not have the same sex drive or would not enjoy making love as much. Both my doctor and the specialist assured him it would be the opposite.

Many men joke around about having things tightened up down there after their wife gives birth. I had never heard anything of the sort from my husband. He even got a bit nasty with his brother when he made a comment about my upcoming labia surgery. I was surprised at the extent of his worry. I have another week until the doctor will give us the go ahead to resume sexual relations. I can hardly wait to ease his mind.