Restore Your Smile with Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are used over the front teeth to cover teeth that are chipped or discolored. When you have veneers your smile is bright and white just like it used to be. Many dentists are recommending veneers for their patients as an alternative to having healthy teeth pulled just because they are chipped or discolored.

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There are many different procedures that can be used in place of having teeth removed. Veneers are just one option. To find out more consult your family dentist.

One of the most popular procedures to restore a bright smile is laser teeth whitening. A gel is applied to the teeth and a laser is used to remove stains and general discoloration. If you need cosmetic dentistry and live in or near the Toronto area, check out They have all of the state of the art procedures to give you back your bright, white smile. If you are considering having your teeth whitened or getting veneers your best option is to do some research before making a decision. Start by searching for dentists in your area that specialize in cosmetic dentistry. They will advise you what procedure is best for your teeth. You should also check out your dental plan to be sure this type of procedure is covered. Depending on the plan many times having your teeth whitened or getting veneers is not covered. These procedures are usually expensive and most dentists offer financing or provide some type of payment plan to cover the cost.