Survey Reveals Porn Damages Relationships, Causes Performance Anxiety

Several relationship experts have recently confirmed that the use of pornography is hurting relationships, according to a survey conducted by Cosmopolitan magazine.

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When questioned, the number of couples facing problems has increased substantially because of pornography. The reason why it does have a damaging effect is because it causes performance anxiety for both sexes.


The survey also revealed that 86 percent of the therapists were sure that pornography could harm a relationship while 90 percent of them admitted to seeing several instances of couple having problems because of this habit.


What doesn’t help is the fact that pornography is readily available over the internet, and with ‘vanilla sex’ becoming less appealing, people get addicted to pornography over a period of time.


94 percent of the therapists who took part in this survey also identified a growing trend of more and more people being addicted to porn while these adult videos also raised mens’ expectations when having sex with their partners.


But that’s not all – men between the age of 18 and 34 were found to use porn at least once a month yet the number of men and women using pornography was on the rise as well.


With adult performers being able to perform above par, viewing these videos cause men to feel the pressure to perform while women feel insecure of their less-than-perfect bodies, gradually eroding the confidence of both sexes.


Yet what is most insightful about this finding is the fact that men, who are addicted to porn, find it hard to have a real relationship with a woman.