The best filtered water

Opting for a water filtration system at home is good decision to make. But a water filter sink alone cannot give you the best filtered water that can be produced. For that you will need a good home water filtering system.

Recent studies have concluded that many bottled mineral water brands are unsafe for consumption. This is due to a variety of factors, but the main culprit is the plastic bottle which is used to store the water. The various countertop water purifiers that are available in the market do better job of providing you with clean and safe drinking water. You should go for this option, unless you are more discerning and wish to have the best type of drinking water possible.

A home water filter system is one of the best appliances you can install in your home. One of the most important things it does is to output water at the proper alkaline levels. Drinking water alkalinity should range between 8.5 and 9.5 in PH values. It should never go beyond 10.0 at any time as it will be too acidic for human consumption. The other important thing it does is to ionize the water. This imbues the water with antioxidant properties which are immensely beneficial to the body. However, be sure to consume this water within 24 hours. The hydroxyl ions which provide this detox benefit start to decay from the moment they leave the ionizer/purifier. By the time 24 hours pass, they are all gone and therefore the water is more or less the same as water from a normal counter top purifier.