Vaginoplasty – What it Means For You

Menorrhagia is a condition in which a period is much heavier than usual and lasts for an abnormally long time. Menorrhagia can be dangerous; many women lose too much blood and can experience fatigue or anemia. However, there are treatments for this illness, such as endometrial ablation. This is when the uterine lining is destroyed so that the scarring can help prevent future bleeding. One of the most successful forms of endometrial ablation is Her Option.

Her Option involved destroying the uterine lining by freezing it. This is done with an ultrasound. Recovery time is generally quick, and the procedure is relatively non-invasive. Best of all, the patient does not have to sacrifice her uterus; instead, she can retain her reproductive capacity and all of the associated natural hormones. This can also help prevent some medical issues related to a woman’s menstrual cycle such as a bladder or rectal prolapse.

For many women, vaginal aesthetic is important. For this, ask your doctor about a vaginoplasty. This involves cosmetic enhancement of the vulvar structures, labia minora, labia majora, mons pubis, perineum, introitus, and hymen. Many specialists conduct this procedure—also known as “vaginal rejuvenation”—with a laser, allowing for quicker recovery time and less bleeding. The benefits of this procedure are not strictly cosmetic; many women seek it out who have larger than normal labia, which can make intercourse painful and embarrassing. Vaginoplasty can lead to a much more fulfilling love life, as well as greater overall health.