3 Apps That Can Help Women With Their Periods

Being on your period is something that women will have to get used to for almost 40 years until they hit menopause.

Without a doubt, it is an integral part of a woman’s Life and this is why a number of female hygiene companies have created products to make their lives easier.

In this sense, technology, in the form of apps, can make a difference. That said, here are 3 apps that are designed to make a woman’s life easier:

#1: Monthly Cycle

What makes this app stand out is the fun that it brings into your Life apart from all the serious stuff. In other words, while you can track your back pain, cramps, headaches, acne and PMS symptoms and so on and so forth, you can also personalize this app.

#2: Fertility Friend

If you’ve been looking for expand your family, then this is the perfect application for you. This app will help chart your cycle with a color-coded graph that predicts when you are most fertile according to your body temperature as well as your cervical condition. Almost 650000 women have gotten pregnant. One good reason for this is that there are a number of educational videos, quizzes, ebooks and tutorials.

#3: My Pill

This app, as the name suggests, is for women who are forgetful enough to skip the pill. The way by which you can use this app is to select which oral contraception you’re on as well as having an alert as to when you are supposed to take the pill. It also helps you track your period history while tracking your period. Finally, it also has a planner that will show you when you have to pick up your next prescription.