Drug Addiction and the Holidays

The holidays can be an especially difficult time for people coping with drug addiction. Even people who have gone through a rehab program can experience difficulty dealing with the emotional strain of the holiday season, increasing the danger for a person to experience a relapse.

One of the main problems is that while the holidays are a time for people to share fond memories with their families, most recovering drug addicts don’t have these “good times” to look back on; instead they only have the painful memories of the damage their previous drug abuse caused or time spent in drug rehabilitation instead of enjoying their family’s company.

During the holidays, it’s important for family members to focus on the positive experiences they had with relatives and loved ones dealing with addiction rather dwelling on the past. It’s also important for people who are working on staying clean and sober to call an addiction center hotline for help if they feel they are on the verge of a relapse.