Mixing Sex and Alcohol Puts Young People at Risk

New research published recently by alcohol charity Drinkaware and sexual health charity Brook says that consuming alcohol increases the chances of young adults taking risks, including that of their sexual health. The research shows that 25% of 16 and 17-year olds had consumed alcohol the first time they had sex minus a condom, while more than 50% had friends who have had sex without a condom because of intoxication.

Drinkaware and Brook have joined forces yet again, and this year, during Christmas and New Year will give out information packs to young people containing information on alcohol, sexual health and personal safety. According to previous research, teenage conceptions peak in December and January – thus, the reason for charities such as these two to decide to join forces during this time of year.

The campaign titled ‘Have fun. Be careful.’ will constantly remind young adults that consuming alcohol could affect their ability to assess risks, encourage them to use a condom if they decide to have sex and to make plans to go home safely after a night out on the town. The information pack also includes a condom and mobile phone credit. Besides this, on New Year’s Eve, 16 and 17-year olds will receive a text message reminding them to ‘have fun’ and ‘be careful’.

The research also shows:

25% admit they would be more likely to have sex without a condom when drunk.
Over 50% rarely or never carry condoms on a night out.
32% would most probably not have an STI test after having unprotected sex.
15% drink at least three times a week.
34% walked home alone at night when drunk.
10% had drunk sex when they were drunk and regretted it afterwards.