What are anxiety disorders?

Despite what many believe, anxiety is not single disorder, but a term used to describe several. These can include feelings of apprehension, fear or nervousness. The onset of any of these disorders can affect daily activities and in many cases even manifest themselves with physical symptoms. The chances are high that those who do suffer from some form of anxiety disorder, do not even know it, yet it negatively affects their lives everyday.

Anxiety can manifest itself in a variety of intensities, with a simple vague and unsettled feeling resulting from mild anxiety, while as the severity increases, the disorder can have far reaching effects on how you life your day to day life. These are not to be confused with how we, as people, experience nervousness or worry before an event such as an exam or an interview. That is considered normal. The proper disorder can be detected when the reaction, such as a constant inability to sleep or maintain normal functions, exceeds that of the situation.

If you do suspect that you, or someone you know, is suffering from some type of disorder, please consult a doctor immediately. These disorders can have far reaching effects and if left untreated for long, can result in permanent damage.

Anxiety can be categorized into more specific disorder types, which has been listed below:

1. Generalized anxiety disorder

2. Panic disorder

3. Phobias

4. Social anxiety disorder

5. Obsessive compulsive disorder

6. Post-traumatic stress disorder

7. Separation anxiety disorder