Tooth Discoloration and Stain Removal

Many people are aware that teeth change color over time. A cosmetic dentist can often lighten teeth stained by smoking or drinking beverages like coffee or tea. Some discoloration of teeth comes with age as well. While these elements affect tooth color, the process of tooth discoloration involves the inside of the tooth as well as the outside. Children generally grow sparkling white teeth as babies and toddlers because of the components of the natural enamel surface. This enamel is made up of tiny crystalline rods, which help protect tooth enamel from the effects of chewing, bumps, or acid from foods containing sugar. Over many years, the enamel wears down. This results in a change in tooth color. It is also true, of course, that staining contributes to natural tooth discoloration.

Many individuals have experienced the benefits of tooth whitening, and the procedure has been documented on shows such as “Style by Jury,” as well as informational documentaries. As a person chews his or her food, millions of tiny cracks form in the enamel. When an individual drinks fluids like coffee, the cracks fill up with the substance, which results in staining. As stains build up over time, the teeth develop a dull appearance. To remove these stains, brushing isn’t sufficient. The reason teeth whitening works is because of the chemicals used in the gel or other applications applied to the teeth. The applications most often contain a hydrogen peroxide base that seeps into the cracks of teeth and eliminates deep stains within them.

By reducing or eliminating these stains, tooth whitening treatments can dramatically lighten the color of teeth. With the popularity of cosmetic dentistry Toronto patients have become accustomed to seeing friends and neighbors with much whiter teeth! Some patients prefer to do the procedure by over-the-counter or take home kits from their dentist office. Remember that shades can differ substantially, so it is recommended to do tooth whitening procedures with guidance from a professional dentist for optimal results.